Make focus fun & boost productivity all at once

With Tarkeez App's smart focus tracking and gamification. Designed to boost individual focus and save time lost on distractions. Sign up to try it!


Increase Motivation Through Rewards

Neuroscientists on our team designed Tarkeez to sustain user's attention with personalized rewards to reinforce better habits, such as consistency and timely task initiation, resulting in a more productive workforce.

Real Time Distraction Management

Unlike website blockers, Tarkeez's AI detects distractions and alerts users to empower them to avoid distractions in real time. This user activity is tracked in a 100% secure and private manner to detect focus and distractions.

Smart AI-Powered Task Tracking

Track team focus and gain data-driven insights on how to improve task assignments, scheduling, and more for your team.

Team Focus Tracking To Boost Productivity

Turn achievements into a game and build healthy competition and improvement for your team.

Build a Happier, More Efficient Workplace

Meet deadlines, achieve goals, and stay motivated all with Tarkeez. Launching soon by the end of 2024, sign up to be the first to try it!

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